Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sunny Day

This is my attempt of taking a night painting and turning it to a day painting. I think I did decent. I just played around with the colors mostly.
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Katy Perry has Died

This is a picture of Katy Perry after she died. She is pale as a ghost. She still has makeup tatooed on to her body though.
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Evil Mona Lisa

This is my Evil Version of the Mona Lisa. I first put some read streaks in the sky. Then I did the "Neon Glow" to the whole picture. I proceeded to put "SuperNova" in the eye sockets. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Running away from Nukes.

This team of runners is fleeing the nuclear bomb tests in New Mexico. This was fun, but the picture was very low quality, so I couldn't do as good a job as I had hoped.
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This is one of the first photo-to-drawing pictures I did. It was easier than an animal because of the straight lines, thought the clouds were a little difficult. Overall, I think I did a decent job.
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STRONG graphic

I had to make these for an assignment, but then it turned out to be really fun. It is a basic concept, and pretty easy, but you have to know which backgrounds go with what text.

Buried Car found in Middle East

Saudi Arabia – This morning while excavating several fossilized humans, Dr. Nicholas Monroe discovered a 1988 Lamborghini Diablo buried beneath the dunes of Saudi Arabia. He was on his third excavation when he made this highly unusual discovery. Scientists have done core samples of the surrounding earth and have found that the site has been undisturbed for over four hundred years.
The Vehicle Identification Number has been removed, as well as the license plates, and the tires. The engine is the standard of the model, so no clue as to the owner has yet been found. The car is being airlifted to the University of Washington’s Forensics Lab to scan for any DNA and/or fingerprints.
“This is just not possible…” claims the shocked Dr. Monroe. The implications of this can be dire. This could prove time travel, a subject long debated over. More on this story as it develops.

I used a few noise filters to provide the grainy look on the car. Then I used the ‘Old Photo’ Script-Fu with mottling on. I erased the background, then I pasted the car into the original photo, (which is also a hoax, but I covered it up). I rotated the car a little and then did the ‘Old Photo’ Script-Fu on the resulting picture, with mottling off. This makes the car look older because not only has it been through the Script-Fu twice, it had the mottling on when I did it for just the car, but not when I did the whole photo, so it has the most ‘Oldness’. I also left it a tiny bit transparent (90), it just looked better than way, possibly because the dirt showed through.
I was afraid that the original hoax would show, it was a giant skeleton, but when I did the ‘Old Photo’ Script-Fu, the ‘bones’ looked like wood planks, which there were many in the picture, so it worked out great.
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

FRIENDS Plastic Surgery

This picture was a challenge. Some faces just didn't match, but I did the best I could. Some of them look great, some of them look cheesy. I just made each face a layer unto its own, erased the hair/neck and then arranged them onto the other faces. I had to scale, rotate, and tweak the color on the faces to make them fit.
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Old Flowers

This is a particularly interesting piece. There are many pictures out there of black and white photographs with hints of color in it, but I have never seen just an old looking photo, more brown than black and white. I first made a copy of the original picture, and applied the "Old Photo" filter on it, then pasted that on a new, transparent layer. Then, I got the "Fuzzy Circle" brush, and erased the top layer where I wanted to see color. It is very simple once you know how to do it.
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Monkey Cartoon

This monkey is the first GIMP project I did. I have done better ones, but due to my computer hard drive having been erased, this is the best I can come up with. I used different size brushes to create different effects. I wanted the face wrinkles to be small, while I wanted to head to seem large and stable. Unfortunately, GIMP does not have a 'hair' texture, so I had to settle for "walnut".
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